Call to Action – Email to NOVA SCOTIA Members of Parliament

Online Event

***Each week, a different province or territory will be the focus of our call to action. We're almost there! Recently, bills C-47 and S-5 became law. The parts of these two bills pertaining to animal testing will prevent millions of lives from being bred into an existence of exploitation. With the passing of these two ... Read more

Toronto Pig Save weekly vigil for the Pigs

Fearmans Pork Inc. 821 Appleby Line, Burlington, ON, Burlington

Don't turn away. Please join us to bear witness to, and to speak up for, the thousands of baby pigs whose lives are needlessly and violently stolen from them daily at Fearman's slaughterhouses. Placards, leaflets, support are provided. ------------------------------- Please read these vigil and safety notes prior to attending. ☮️ Keeping Save Movement vigils peaceful. ... Read more

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Outreach Event

Enercare Centre 100 Princes' Blvd #1, Toronto

Part 2- Join us for a peaceful outreach event outside the Royal Agricultural Fair. The objective is to inform passersby and the public entering the fair that: 1. This Fair is industry propaganda and not to believe the 'happy farm animal' lie. 2. Most of the animals they see in the fair will suffer a ... Read more