
Care About Animals? Want to Help?

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Do you have an event you would like us to list? Please submit it here. All events must meet our guidelines.

Wishbone Animal Rights Lab

Did you know that Toronto has a new animal rights lab, studio, incubator, and training centre? Attend events, meet other activists, share great Vegan food!

End Fur Farming

SEND A MESSAGE TO OTTAWA. It’s time for the federal government to move fur farming into the past. Take action today and become part of the movement that ends fur farming in Canada.

In Canada, animals are still killed solely for their fur. They’re either trapped or raised on industrial, large-scale farms. Both methods cause immense suffering for an unnecessary product. Help Us…

AR Groups

Learn more about the animal rights groups in Toronto and southern Ontario.

Plant Based Treaty

The Plant Based Treaty puts food systems at the heart of combating the climate crisis. Sign now.


Resources to educate and help people transition to a vegan lifestyle. Support resources for activists.


We would love to hear from you.

Do you have fur you would like to donate to help orphaned animals?

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